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Tao of the Day

March 7, 2025

What a great day! I have been dropped by Noom as an "Expert Voice" but the community that benifits from my show has shown great support and I want to thank all of them for showing me that what I am doing is valuable. I had Julie pick #45, Susan #28, Malissa #62, Tammara #11, and Jay K #22.

Tao of the Day

March 3, 2025

What a great day talking about how what we expereince is comeing from our own minds! Spring Blossom joine me for #61 and it was intense (like the circus) and then WanderingFool chose #18 and we couldn't help but look at the connections between the two.

Tao of the Day

February 28, 2025

I got #53 from the random number generator and spoke a lot about discomfort today and the Lo came up and chose#27. Jay K then had me use the Random Number Generator and it chose #27 as well.

Tao of the Day

February 27, 2025

Today I spoke a lot about living under the influence of others and I chose a random number that aligned will with that in #75. Melissa joined me to ask about story and how/if they are intertwined and chose #6. Shelly wrote in to ask me to read over #50 ad Kathy come up for #19.

Tao of the Day

February 20, 2025

I talked a lot f leaving room for inspration today and Jay K joined me for #46

Tao of the Day

February 18, 2025

Such an active audience today I started us off talking about the folly of Over-esteeming others and read through #3. Julie joined me for #50 and David was inspired to choose #49 after which Melissa came up to talk about #79 and we wrapped up looking at Stephen Mitchell's #1.

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