You are not going to succeed if your team is simply accomplishing tasks. Tasks are comfortable and safe. We were taught, and rewarded by accomplishing tasks. However, it is not the future. Getting the most out of a team is about supporting that team to get the most out of themselves individually. This is intrapersonal Conflict Resolution!
Corporate culture pushes people to their limit. Some people may seem to thrive on it but it's no secret that stress is unhealthy. You don’t want to lose great employees that can take on initiative because they perceive their job to be simply executing some task.
Contact me and we can talk about a vision for your team to start recovering themselves and how that will benefit your company and bottom line.
Your leaders will learn skills in self-awareness and acceptance while being able to shed frustrations faster and start living healthier lives ultimately leading to higher productivity, focus, and output.

Support and Training
The Costs of not Supporting
Recovery in the Workplace
Increased cost due to high turn around
Toxic work environment for employees, some may not speak up
Loss of Productivity/Increased Errors because triggered employees cannot focus
Legal/Harassment vulnerability because triggered employees are unpredictable
Task Oriented employees don't readily commit or contribute initiative.
The Benefits of having a Recovery
Strategy in the Workplace
Increased Output due to employees who are happy in their lives allowing them to feel fulfilled with their work
Healthier work Environment for employees due to their acceptance of themselves being extended to others
Improved Productivity due to physically and mentally healthier employees
Respectful Work Environment created because your employees are living with more self-respect
Initiative Oriented wanting to contribute and always processing how that contribution can improve.
Start Recovering Your Team Today
MartinJon helps the leaders of your teams understand the importance of awareness and how they can become better leaders while giving more and living healthier lives.
You will see your staff, lose weight, get sick less often, come to work excited and ready for what each day has in store, as well as voice themselves. These benefits may at times seem like challenges as well but as the health of the workplace improves so will the health of your business.