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Caregivers are facing close to a 50% burnout rate. Get ahead of your burnout today and start Recovering Yourself

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Recover your Mind
Recover your Time
Recover your Health
Recover your Life

Reaching Out to the Sun

Free Yourself with Your Own Awareness

We all have thought patterns that control how we react. They have been with us since childhood but most of us aren't aware of when, how, or why, they take control. 

Your patterns are unique and so are your solutions. The only way to reach beyond those familiar patters is to become aware of when they are triggered within you. 

You have wasted enough time living as if you are not the god you were born to be. It is time to recover that, it's time to recover your Self!

Tao Readings

50 Minute Readings through SatNam Yoga Chicago



Angelina Frost

General Testimonial

It's especially challenging for helpers to get help. As a coach and an intuitive myself, it's easy to fall into the illusion that you've got yourself covered. Word to the wise: you don't.

MartinJon's no-BS compassion and deeply intuitive insight will quickly and effectively help you to move beyond your blind spots and into your truth and freedom, no matter how well-hidden your issues.

If you're ready for things to be better, take this advice, Friend: Get with MartinJon and let him help you get out of your own way. <3 :)

MartinJon: Recover Yourself and get out from under the influence


The Recover Yourself approach was designed with caregivers in mind, and as it turns out, we are all caregivers.


  • Save time by not holding onto emotions

  • No more burn out

  • Give more while caring more

  • Get to a new place in your career and life

You're a Passionate Caregiver
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MartinJon: Coaching Beyond Recovery
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